I progressively gained a basic knowledge and grasp of the subject of learning with personal learning networks and education through the consolidation of my prior reading and the new reading material. This blog will be regarding this very subject.
I believe that the majority of social media sites that provide useful content and news are beneficial for education. For instance, YouTube enables students to look up information and topics they are unfamiliar with (for example: Math tutorials regarding Polynomials). It offers lessons for people. You can study and discuss your thoughts with your lecturers or fellow students using some communication tools, such as Mattermost, email, or through brightspace messenger. People can obtain the research results they require and learn about thoughts and feedback following instruction on some social media platforms that can conduct research, such as Google+, so that they can eventually enhance their teaching techniques.
Social media should try its best to lead and assist the vulnerable sectors when dealing with them. It’s crucial to mentor them and provide them more beneficial terms of cooperation because they can be new to the community and lack the necessary knowledge to handle things independently. Social media can be used to create an all-encompassing program for underserved communities that will not only enable them to grow swiftly but also provide them with some kind of widespread support and aid. This is very advantageous for the future growth of PLN since with a wider network of help and learners then the more knowledge people will have.
This week has been very busy at work, so for this blog I didn’t write as much as I wanted to. I’ve provided this up to this point by contemplating the issue. You the “reader” are more than welcome to join me in thinking about and discussing this topic in the comments or through direct messaging me.