Blog Post #2 Open Learning Principles

Open Learning Principles – Impact on Education


Open learning principles provide flexibility with regards to accessibility and inclusiveness in an education setting. This is because these principles would allow everyone to be able to access the information regardless of where they live or their personal circumstances. Main thing being able to find the information effectively and without barriers.

Some aspects I found important were:

  1. Open Educational Resources (OERs): Accessible textbooks, courses, and materials in order to reduce financial barriers for students. This could also mean free access to slides for lectures, pdf transcripts and/or textbooks, and practice material from previous classes.
  2. Online Learning Platforms: These platforms would offer courses and degrees from anywhere, making education accessible to those in remote or rural areas across Canada. Such sites could be like Google’s Coursera.
  3. Flexible Learning Paths: Learners can go at their own pace and customize their learning experiences according to their needs and interests. For example, a student might be missing some prerequisites for a future course but aren’t able to find the time during school days, so they find an online certification program for the specific pre req.

Transformative Situation Example: Going further with the Rural community example from above – consider a rural community with limited access to formal education. Introducing an open learning setting through online courses can significantly improve educational outcomes of those that are underserved. As students in these communities can access the same high-quality resources as those in urban areas, leading to better job prospects and economic development as their are no more financial barriers.

Historical Advancements

Shaping Modern Educational Tools

Innovation: The Internet

The invention of the internet revolutionized the education system, this allowed everyone to be able to connect to those from different parts of the world fast and efficiently. This lead to more knowledge being spread.

Going further some of the impacts include:

  1. E-Learning: The internet has facilitated the rise of e-learning platforms, such as Coursera and Khan Academy. Not only these but even Youtube being a great source for video documentaries along many different types of subjects.
  2. Collaborative Learning: Tools like Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams allow for quick communication between students and teachers.
  3. Self-Paced Learning: Online resources enable students to learn at their own pace, accommodating different learning styles and schedules as stated in previous examples above.

Impact Example: The internet has made it so the greatest mathematician are able to communicate and share their thoughts on a multitude of subjects. This development of certain subjects can lead to innovations that wouldn’t be possible if the internet wasn’t invented.

Traditional Setting to Digital Learner-Centered Platforms

Educational Settings – Then to Now

The shift to digital, learner-centred platforms has changed education by:

  1. Personalized Learning: Adaptive learning technologies, like AI-driven platforms (Chatgpt), tailor educational content to individual needs (Hustlers and Entrepreneurship), enhancing learning efficiency (skipping subjects that aren’t related to individual’s goals).
  2. Engagement and Interaction: Interactive multimedia and gamified learning experiences keep students engaged and increases retention of material. (Kahoot)
  3. Accessibility: Digital platforms provide access to diverse learning resources, making education more inclusive. Everyone can have an education!

Future Evolution

Technologies like virtual reality (VR) can further enhance learning by providing immersive and interactive experiences through the use of viewing screens and or controllers which places people into the virtual world. AI can continue to improve personalized learning by analyzing student data and adjusting content in real-time. Nvidia stock continues to surge with this statement.

Theories and Technological Developments to Present Day Techniques

Effective Application

For Example: In a peer review class, students access other student’s content and brainstorm tips and ways to improve their assignment during classroom time. This approach applies constructivist theories, where learners build knowledge through experiences and reflections.

Personal Experience: In my own education, I feel like the approach above helps me the most as long as I get feedback from not just one but a few other parties. This helps me when it comes down to improving my work as I am getting a few different points of view on my subject. But I do also like having the time for the teacher or instructor to go over general mistakes or weaknesses in different student’s assignment just so I am aware of it myself.

Multimedia Resources

Enhancing Educational Experiences

Multimedia resources, such as videos, animations, and interactive activities can promote more engagement and entertainment to people. This is especially noticeable to those in development phases (children and teens).

Example: In a grade 11 Social Studies class, they use Kahoot as an interactive learning platform. This can promote students engagement to the learning material through the use of competition and multiple choice questions. This can result in students learning through their mistakes but also helps to reinforce knowledge on the subject. This also allows students to use the technology given to them (cellphones or tablets or even laptops).


All in all, these open learning principles, advancement in education technology and shifts in traditional education settings to learner-centered platforms has greatly transformed education today. It is only getting more complex with revolutions occurring in a rapid pace. However, being able to accept these changes and the continued use of these new technologies can really help education institutions to create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment for all types of students. Could it be possible for us to revert back to traditional methods once AI or robots take over?

That’s all! I hope you liked my writing,

Edmund Cheung

2 thoughts on “Blog Post #2 Open Learning Principles

  1. Hello Edmund,

    Thank you for your post. I enjoyed reading your post!
    I completely agree that multimedia resources and interactive activities can promote more engagement and entertainment to people. When I was in high school, I also used Kahoot a lot in the class. Using tools like Kahoot was really helpful to understand and recall things. You’ve also highlighted interesting questions at the end! I feel like it is hard to be back to traditional methods. We are already using digital tools a lot 🙂


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